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Product Refund Policy

The complete terms of your purchase are provided during the checkout process. By agreeing to the terms and conditions, you agree that you understand that the products purchased, whether consumable or topical, contain cannabinoids from hemp oil. National Botanicals’ products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We are committed to complete compliance with FDA regulations and as such, because these products have not been evaluated by the FDA, we make no claims as to any extra benefits for products containing CBD (cannabidiol). If you decide to purchase our products, you are purchasing these products based on your own understanding as to any benefits these products may provide.

If you experience any issues with a National Botanicals product, please email our sales team at [email protected]. If you still wish to return your product after discussing your issues with our sales team, please follow the returns process. If you have questions regarding the return eligibility of your product, please email the sales team at [email protected]. Customers are responsible for all return shipping costs. National Botanicals does not have a money back guarantee as our products will affect everyone differently. National Botanicals will not accept the return of any product that has been opened or used. National Botanicals will only accepted returns for product purchased through NationalBotanicals.com. National Botanicals will not accept returns for product purchased through a retail store. Your purchase of any National Botanicals product through a retail store means you agree to and understand this refund policy.

National Botanicals’ Return Process

  1. Please email the National Botanicals’ sales team at [email protected] and notify us of your intent to return unopened, unused product within 14 days of purchase.
  2. After shipping your National Botanicals’ product to us, please email the tracking number of the return to the sales team at [email protected].
  3. After National Botanicals receives your return and confirms the unopened, unused product as the one provided in the initial notification to our sales team, National Botanicals will issue you a refund for the unopened, unused product and the sales team at [email protected] will notify you via email. Please allow 7-10 days for the refund to be reflected in your relevant statement.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Refund policy, please email [email protected].